Sunday, July 26, 2009


I have about a million things to post on here. Really what I SHOULD do is just one post a day until I am caught up..... but since I come up with new post ideas everyday... I am NEVER going to get caught up!

I also have a confession to make. I think I am ill..... ill with HOBBY RAT PACKING. At least that is what I am calling it! With this new blog I find myself thinking of all these great craft things.... and GETTING the stuff for them... but never WORKING on anything! For example this last week I found myself uncontrollably drawn to yard sales and thrift stores. I collected ANYTHING that was inexpensive and I could see a project in. Now what I have is a pile of dirty old broken things that need some serious attention ASAP.

Scary isn't it!!! I will get to them... I just have to spend more time CRAFTING and less time craft HUNTING!

On to the posting!! I am adding a bunch of projects to my to-do list, and finally putting up a few of my own projects. ENJOY!

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