Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Three Word Thursday


Lately I have done a whole lot of starting... and only a little finishing. I have so many projects left unfinished... some of them aren't even really started, all I did was buy the stuff.. and now it sits there, mocking me. I don't think I use my time very wisely. How do you other craft bloggers do it? I know several of you have small children at home... yet somehow you find time to craft and blog and bake and clean. STOP BEING PERFECT! lol..... Ok sorry... got distracted....

That is what happens with my projects to. I get the stuff for them (because I can strap my kids in a cart with a sucker while I shop) and then I can never find the time to work on them. Pretty soon my brain has left that project behind and I am on to the next thing that has caught my fancy. It is something I have discovered in myself, and I want to change it! I want to be a FINISHER.... not just a starter. I am going to FINISH some projects and get them up on this blog! I WILL! At least I will give it my best effort......


Diana said...

Well, first you let the craft ideas pile up, while in the meantime, the kids grow up. As soon as they are gone, then you have time to work on your crafts. LOL! Don't know how some of these mothers can be so multi-task-ical. Just being a grandmother and doing the crafts when the grandkids are here can be challenging. Lots of fun, but still some challenging.

MissesStitches said...

I don't know how you mothers of young ones can craft or sew at all! I don't work, have grown up kids, and I still have craft and sewing projects pile up. And my blog has not improved the way I was hoping it would (i.e., me adding more "personalization" to it). It's frustrating, but I just do what I can and rejoice when I finish something.

Love your blog, I'm going to subscribe to it.